Ismail Yoonis

Ismail has a background in architectural technology and has a keen interest in sports, digital design, and illustrations. Since 2024, he's developed a passion for film photography.

In anticipation of STEP 10 I'm excited about the prospects it offers. It not only promises employment in my field of expertise but also provides opportunities to enhance my skills. Specifically, I'm eager to delve into video editing to bring my creative ideas to fruition. With the support of the Good Growth Hub, I feel encouraged to overcome any lingering doubts and take decisive steps toward my goals. Moreover, I'm looking forward to participating in classes, particularly exploring the photography facilities. The guidance and support provided by the Good Growth Hub have been invaluable, assuaging my concerns and guiding me through the process.

As an avid traveler, Ismail envisions capturing unforgettable moments and immortalising them in print. Beyond pursuing this hobby at work, Ismail anticipates forging valuable professional connections and jumpstarting a career through STEP.

Ismail took on the Projects & Administration Assistant role at Rosetta Arts as part of STEP 10 in April 2024.

  • Name

    Ismail Yoonis

  • Programme
    STEP 10
  • Connect with Ismail Yoonis